Thread Primitives


(spawn f . args) -> actor thread

  f := procedure

Spawns an actor thread, invoking (f . args).

Differences of actor threads and plain Gambit threads:

  • actor threads have an abortive exception handler that unwinds the stack on exceptional exits thus ensuring that unwind finalizers are run.
  • actor threads have an extra field for efficient access to thread locals.


(spawn/name name f . args) -> actor thread

  name := any
  f     := procedure

Like spawn, but the thread is named.


(spawn/group name f . args) -> actor thread

  name := any
  f     := procedure

Like spawn, but the thread is in a new thread group with name name.


(spawn-actor f args name tgroup) -> actor thread

  f      := procedure
  args   := list; procedure arguments
  name   := any
  tgroup := thread-group

Spawns an actor thread.


(spawn-thread thunk [name] [tgroup]) -> thread

  thunk := procedure
  name   := any
  tgroup := thread-group

Spawns a plain thread


(actor-thread? obj) -> boolean

  obj := any object

Returns true if the object obj is an actor thread.


(thread-local-ref key [default]) -> any

  key, default := any

Retrieves the thread local value associated with key.


(thread-local-get key) -> any

  key := any

Retrieves the thread local value associated with key, defaulting to #f.


(thread-local-set! key val) -> void

  key, val := any

Sets the thread local value associated with key to val.


(thread-local-clear! key) -> void

  key := any

Clears the thread local value associated with key.


(thread-local-table) -> hash table

Return the table of thread local values, creating it if it doesn't exist.


(current-thread-group) -> thread-group

Returns the thread-group of the current thread.


(with-lock mx thunk) -> any

  mx    := mutex
  thunk := procedure

Evaluates thunk with mx automatically locked on entry and unlocked on exist or if an exception is raised.

Note: the continuation should not escape or deadlock can occur. If you may have a continuation escaping, use with-dynamic-lock.


(with-dynamic-lock mx thunk) -> any

  mx    := mutex
  thunk := procedure

Evaluates thunk in a dynamic extent where mx is locked.


(unhandled-actor-exception-hook-set! proc) -> void

  proc := procedure

Hooks the actor exception handler to invoke (proc continuation exception) on uncaught exceptions occurring in actor threads.